Babylon 5 Prop Replica : PPG (Phased Plasma Gun)

I’ve been fan of Babylon 5 since I used to watch it on TV on a Sunday night when it first aired. The PPG weapon used in the show always grabbed my attention as an unusual prop. Now I realise it’s because it’s one of the few that aren’t existing weapons modified with extra parts to make them look like space guns.

An opportunity to buy the Pachmayr 03252 grips used on the prop, put the idea of machining my own PPG out of Aluminium. After looking for as many images as I could of the prop on the internet, I started modeling it in Fusion 360 around November 2023. After the third time through, I had a model I was happy with and I started to work out how to machine it.

In the end I used a combination on manual and CNC machining and 15 months later, I’m still slightly amazed I managed to do it.